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Dianna Flett

In 2009, after hearing from her sons about the significant emotional challenges girls face in middle school, Dianna started a program called Girl Smarts for 4th and 5th grade girls. Girl Smarts is a series of workshops designed to strengthen 9-11 year olds prior to going into their early teens. The workshops focus on the whole girl, giving them skills and strategies to be true to their values, set and achieve their goals and work to overcome obstacles with confidence. The original group of 24 girls in one school has now grown to over 1300 girls in 13 schools, in three counties in Virginia. Four workshops have now expanded to 13 and the impact of the empowerment of our girls is being felt throughout the counties where Girl Smarts is active. While Dianna has added another facilitator, she continues to do the majority of the workshops herself, reaching out to new schools and new girls all the time.

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Dianna never turns a girl away and because of Girl Smarts hundreds of girls are feeling more confident, capable and in control. Read all about the program at