Reports and Research
Build Your Future Virginia
Build Your Future Virginia’s mission is to educate Virginia residents about high paying construction careers, training opportunities, and mapping career paths to employment in these high demand occupations.
Hampton Roads Workforce Council
The Hampton Roads Workforce Council serves as the regional leader of workforce development. It ensures the strategic alignment of efforts that facilitate meaningful employment and economic growth in the fifteen cities and counties of Hampton Roads, while excelling at the delivery of business, workforce, veterans, and youth funded services.
Explore Construction Careers in Virginia
Build Your Future Virginia’s mission is to educate Virginia residents about high paying construction careers, training opportunities, and mapping career paths to employment in these high demand occupations.
Virginia's CTE Resource Center
Are you ready for career success? The Virginia Department of Education has transformed the popular R U Ready? magazine into a collection of videos for 2018. Career Success Stars features students in the 16 Career Clusters who completed CTE courses in Virginia high schools and have found successful careers in their fields.
This list is not a promotion of the following organizations. Fees may apply.
Center for Workforce Solutions at Tidewater Community College
TCC's Center for Workforce Solutions offers programs that can help you identify your potential career paths, whether you're a displaced worker, a recent high school graduate, or returning to the workforce after some time off.
Ingalls Apprentice School
Since 1952, the Apprentice School has produced more than 4,000 graduates in support of Ingalls’ operational needs. The program involves a comprehensive two- to four-year curriculum for students interested in shipbuilding careers. More than 1,500 apprentice alumnae fill approximately 50 different types of jobs at Ingalls, from pipe welders to senior executives. Over 60 members of our faculty and staff deliver instructions for our programs and over 120-course offerings that enable apprentices to gain not only the skills, knowledge, and pride of workmanship but also the educational foundation and personal qualities needed to fully meet the challenges of a shipbuilding career.
The Apprentice School at Newport News Shipbuilding
The mission of The Apprentice School is:
- To contribute to the profitability and growth of Newport News Shipbuilding by recruiting, training, and developing men and women for careers in shipbuilding.
- To provide the company with a continuous supply of journeypersons who possess the skills, knowledge, and pride of workmanship which have traditionally distinguished the shipbuilding craftsman.
- To develop core leadership principles in all students along with the character and technical competence that is required to fully meet the challenges of a shipbuilding career.
Tidewater Community College Apprenticeship Institute
Tidewater Community College’s Apprenticeship Institute partners with Hampton Roads employers to develop tailored programs that result in your desired workforce outcome. TCC partners with employers throughout Hampton Roads to provide a variety of apprenticeship programs in various industries, ranging from cybersecurity to maritime and skilled trades.
Apprenticeship programs are a proven training model for growing and retaining a skilled workforce in today’s competitive business environment. Allowing students to “earn while you learn,” this approach combines on the job training and related academic instruction. The outcome benefits the company and the employee.
Tidewater Tech
Starting a new career path with no skills is almost impossible. Employers are looking for qualified candidates that have proven themselves through experience or training that applies to the work they will be performing. Get that training at Tidewater Tech today! Career field training opportunities are available to you today. Get the training you need in order to be competitive in today's job market.
Virginia Ship Repair Association
The Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA) is a regional association representing companies engaged in, or supporting, the ship repair industry in Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic region. Our mission is to focus and coordinate member resources on issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the ship repair industry in Virginia and across the nation. The Virginia Ship Repair Association has a rich history, with its origin beginning in 1979.
General Resources
Virginia Wizard
The Virginia Education Wizard was created to help you understand more about yourself and find out how to achieve your goals. Through career assessments, college and career advice, and tools to help you plan each step of the way, the Wizard will help you focus on your next step.
US Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook
The OOH can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.
Whether you are new to the workforce or looking to upgrade your skills and get a better job, SkillsOnline offers a wide range of courses you can take entirely online. Each course is taught by expert instructors, many nationally known in their field. You’ll find our courses are fast, affordable, convenient and specially designed to help you attain the information you need to succeed.
Virginia directly employs 25.6% of the nation’s total workers in this industry and generates 29.6% of the industry’s impact on the U.S. GDP. Virginia’s maritime industry supports more than 63,000 jobs worth over $5.5 billion annually to Virginia’s economy. Many of them here in Hampton Roads. Learn more about local maritime careers and organizations.